These Are Our
HD-MR Gypsum

Sarwinplast-HD-MR : Super White High Density Moisture Resistant Gypsum Plaster : Sarwin Gypsum Plaster is a High-density light weight Polymerised gypsum plaster suitable for application on most internal surfaces including brick, block and concrete. It consists of superior quality high density gypsum, formulated with special additives to enhance working and setting characteristics, also improves workability and coverage. When dry, it provides superior whiteness, hard, smooth finish and is suitable for all internal dry plastering applications

SARWIN Sandfree Plaster is manufactured at a state-of-the-art plant. SARWIN Sandfree Plaster coarse finish is a blend of Portland white cement, carefully graded fine sand, aggregates, water solubles, high quality polymer additives and Biocides in the right proportions. It is ready to use by simply mixing water at the site and can be easily applied on concrete. SARWIN Sandfree Plaster is unique in its own way and being introduced in the construction industry.
ReadyMix Plastering

SARWIN Ready-Mix Plaster 1:4 Ratio is manufactured in modern dry mix plant with computerized batch process. Plaster is ready to use by just mixing water at site. This process eliminates job-site mixing practices. Hence it gives consistent quality with required sand mesh sizes in exact proportion which is most important for compactness of plaster. Further to have desired workability, less rebounding losses, required slump properties and overall durability, polymers are added in Sarwinplast Ready-Mix Plaster.

The construction industry today demands lower handover time and quality results which leaves traditional manual plastering methods crippled. It is necessary to find construction solutions that reduce manual intervention as skilled labour is in short supply. After deep research and On Field trails, IDEAL SARWIN Machine Plaster is the answer to all these predicaments. IDEAL SARWIN Machine Plaster, a ready-mix plaster specifically designed for machine-aided application, is sprayed on the block wall up to the desired plastering thickness.
Major Services Are
We Are Giving The Following Services
- HD-MR Gypsum Plastering
- Sand Free Plastering
- Sarwin Ready-Mix Plastering
- Sarwin Machine Plastering